_cache - folder used to store cached files (example: twitter feeds) for faster load - required to have write permission (chmod 0755) - by default, most webserver already have write permission but if not, change permission from your ftp client or call your server administrator. - can be disabled from config.inc.php _upload - upload folder (example: contact form - page-contact-1.html) - edit the path to config.inc.php - required to have write permission (chmod 0755) view - contains php demo files. - example: demo.shop.php - contains examples of how to use the shop template files together with javascript files (js/view/demo.shop.js) config.inc.php - global config file. - edit this file using your favourite editor twitter/twitter.php - return tweets in json format. - usage example: php/twitter/tweet.php?username=stepofweb&limit-3 - this is called by assets/js/scripts.js - sure, you can also call the url manually contact.php - the script used to send emails via SMTP or mail() - script called directly or via ajax (using form validation) phpmailer - used by contact.php to send emails newsletter.php - used by "subscribe to newsletter" forms. - all emails are written into external text file called "_newsletter.txt"