.owl-caption-text-light (already light text by default - not required)
"responsiveBaseElement":"#wrapper" (you can set "body" or the container. Default: #wrapper)
"loop":true (false for no loop)
"margin":10 (magin between items in pixels. Default: 10)
"nav":true (show or hide navigation)
"center":false (true = align to center)
"slideBy":"1" (no. of items to slide once. Default: 1)
"dots":true (false to hide dots navigation)
"autoplay":false (true to enable autoplay)
"autoplayTimeout":2000 (autoplay delay in milliseconds. Default: 2000)
Show No. of elements according to resolution:
0 = mobile
600 = table
1000 = desktop
You can change/remove the values according to your resolution preferences (default: 0, 600, 1000)
ANIMATION - based on animate css plugin (already included in essentials.css)
required: items should be set to 1 (see responsive)
The full API can be found here:
<div class="lightbox" data-plugin-options='{"delegate": "a", "gallery": {"enabled": true}}'>
<div class="owl-carousel-2 owl-centered-focus" data-plugin-options='{
"responsiveBaseElement": "#wrapper",
"loop": true,
"margin": 0,
"nav": true,
"dots": false,
"center": true,
"slideBy": "1",
"autoplay": true,
"autoplayTimeout": 4500,
"autoWidth": false,
"merge": true,
"rtl": false,
"animateIn": "flipInX",
"animateOut": "flipOutX",
"responsive": {
"0": {"items":1},
"600": {"items":2},
"1000": {"items":2}
<a href="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/2-min.jpg" class="image-hover-plus image-hover-overlay">
<i class="icon-hover-plus"></i>
<img class="img-fluid" src="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/2-min.jpg" alt="">
<a href="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/6-min.jpg" class="image-hover-plus image-hover-overlay">
<i class="icon-hover-plus"></i>
<img class="img-fluid" src="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/6-min.jpg" alt="">
<a href="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/5-min.jpg" class="image-hover-plus image-hover-overlay">
<i class="icon-hover-plus"></i>
<img class="img-fluid" src="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/5-min.jpg" alt="">
<a href="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/3-min.jpg" class="image-hover-plus image-hover-overlay">
<i class="icon-hover-plus"></i>
<img class="img-fluid" src="demo_files/images/packs/realestate/gallery-item/3-min.jpg" alt="">